Oct 2, 2009

The Spirit Lovers Legend

This is about loving you perfectly, forever.

The Spirit Lovers Legend is about being in a perfect, spiritual love in the moment for you. As a legend it is told that each of us has within us a spirit lover. A spirit lover is a lover who can love and be loved perfectly. This perfect love is a depth of loving that satisfies us completely and surrounds us with each breath. This spiritual love can make us feel one with our lover, it comes from a place deep within us. This love is forever and it feels like we have known our lover as long we can remember, from the beginning of time until the end of time.
For us, in The Spirit Lovers Legend, an ordinary man and an ordinary woman are the spirit lovers from the beginning of time to the end of time and in this lifetime they find each other and they see each other. For us, when she falls in love with him, she sees her lover as God. She experiences him, her love for him is like god's love, the way she experiences God. For us, the way he loves her and the way he sees her, he sees her as the goddess who has been unseen. When any ordinary lover falls in love with their lover as the god or goddess, they are the spirit lover.
The spirit lovers have come back to earth so that each of us as the god and the goddess will be reunited with our lovers and when we are reunited we will fall in love with each other and we will heal the world. This is the contemporary legend of our times. It is about teaching everyone, all people, anyone who is capable of having a lover, how to fall in love in the most sacred way, and the most loving way, and how to love each other perfectly.

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