Oct 2, 2009

Dragon lines

Serving in a healing tradition...
Wisdom traditions around the world and the contemporary holistic community understand 
that healing of the human spirit facilitates healing of mind and body.
Whether described as shamanic in nature, psychic, spiritual, energetic or holistic, 
these fundamental practices have for most of human history and pre-history been the touchstone
 of healing.Such traditions teach us that the subtle body or core energy field – the essential life 
essence that we are which has been given so many names – defines and holds the spirit, tone 
and pattern for the fabric of our physical form.Traditional healing is directed toward re-aligning, 
clearing and balancing the subtle body and its core energies, with particular attention to
 restoring integrated flow and vitality to areas that are damaged or weak.

Personal healing and core-energy coaching sessions
Third-generation healer, Patrick MacManaway offers a profound approach to 
restoring core vitality and balance, using a unique blend of simple and effective holistic therapies.
Sessions are available by appointment in person, and also by telephone.

Healing at a distance

Healing work can also be done from a distance, creating similar effects as when personally present. 

We generally like to have a photograph and some personal details to get our best results.

The Healing of Sick Buildings and Sad Places

“Different places on the face of the earth have different vital effluence,
 different vibration, different chemical exhalation,
 different polarity with different stars: call it what you like, but the spirit of 
place is a great reality.”D.H. Lawrence

Ancient wisdom and personal experiences 
teach us that our relationship with place, especially those places where we spend 
the most extended periods of time, fundamentally defines our mood, our patterns of thought 
and our habits of activity.Landscape and the buildings and structures within it all have an inherent spirit
 and personality - the individual and unique essence of that place.
Sometimes the spirit of place may become damaged and the atmospheric qualities either 
stagnant or stressed. This can lead to health or comfort problems for people living and working there. 
 Such buildings become known as “sick buildings”
The World Health Organization states that 30% of all buildings
 are “sick buildings”.A building may become sick due to poor air or light quality,
 by electro-magnetic field stress, or by issues that are less apparent and more energetic in nature
.These include disturbances or unbalanced energy flow in the landscape – generally referred
 to as “geopathic stress”. The residual memories or echoes of previous events 
may also be disturbing, especially those from battlefields and profound individual traumas.
 Sometimes the psychic environment can be disordered, with ghosts or other disturbed 
or displaced spirits present..When our homes are sick buildings, we don’t sleep well, 
live well or love well, and find it difficult to achieve the refreshment or healing that we would
 normally expect.

Traditional healing work with places is much like working with people, only on a larger scale.

 Geomancy is the term traditionally used for working with the subtle qualities,
 moods and energy flows within landscapes large and small.
Healing is often needed in places where chronic or repeated ill health or absentee-ism
 is of concern, places where the background atmosphere is cold or unfriendly, 
where relationships, communication, productivity and effectiveness are challenged,
 or where sleep is of poor quality.Our work includes resolving hauntings and 
poltergeist activity and restoring peace to the psychic environment
.Just as plants need the right soil conditions to flourish, when places are healthy,
 the people and projects within them can flourish and thrive. 

1 comment:

  1. Imawaken,

    Thank you for including our website in your blog. You have a very beautiful site. Patrick also has a new mp3 that you might like.

    David Brizendine
    The Simply Good Co.
