Oct 2, 2009


 the go.  Our lives as believers in Jesus Christ are dynamic, ever changing and always growing.  Yet, how do we as people of faith respond to the fast-paced, complex world in which we live?  For this reason we have developed G.R.O.W.  G.R.O.W.  is a series of four coursesEach class lasts twelve weeks, striving to help everyone at Discovery establish and maintain a healthy spiritual foundation for a life of growth in Christ.  We would like to encourage you to sign up for G.R.O.W., and come to know the joy of a life committed to growing in the knowledge of a daily walk with Jesus Christ.  

Guided by God’s Purposes (101)     The first step in cultivating a life of growth in Christ is making sure that the foundation of life is Guided by God’s Purposes.  We can only withstand the storms of life if we have deep roots that can reach down and hold fast to Jesus Christ during the storm.      For this reason Discovery Church has developed Class 101: Guided by God’s Purposes.  This class covers the foundational aspects of our faith from prayer and Bible study to the role of the church in everyday life.  Guided by God’s Purposes is the class where you can let the roots of your faith grow deep.
Revealing God’s Word (201)     The foundation of our faith, its soil, is God’s Unchanging Word; the Bible.  In order to GROW in our life of faith we must dig deep into the Word of God.  Just as any tree needs water to grow, we also need a continual influx of the Water of Life into our spiritual lives.      Discovery Church strives to provide everyone with the resources to grow rich and deep in God’s Word.  GRow class 201: Revealing God’s Word will explore the ins and outs of the Biblical text.  You will emerge from this class with a firm grasp of how the Bible can provide us with the necessary nutrients for a healthy and growing spiritual life.

Overcoming Life’s Challenges (301)     Not only must we be Guided By God’s Purposes and have a firm grasp on the Word of God, but we must move toward putting these principles together in order that we will be able to Overcome Life’s Challenges.     In order to be able to navigate the race of life successfully we must be able to integrate our foundational training with our knowledge of the course.  This is done within the Fitly Framed class.  We will “put legs” on the two previous courses.  How does our foundational knowledge and knowledge of the Bible help us relate to raising our children or our work life?  The Overcoming Life's Challenges class is where we look at the practical aspects of running the marathon of life.

World-wide Mission (401)     A vital part of our spiritual growth is allowing our faith to spread beyond the four walls of Discovery Church.  In GROW Class 401: World-Wide Mission we will look at the gifts that God has given each of us to positively affect the world around us.  Our faith GROWs as we put into action the gifts and abilities that God has given to us. 

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