Oct 2, 2009

The Mesmer Skills

The Mesmer Skills
I remember in the Fifties, at the hypnotist show, entertainers persuaded audience members to start wiggling their hands out in front of them, then told them they couldn't stop. During the Seventeen hundreds Anton Mesmer was called a charlatan, and during the Sixteen hundreds hypnotists were condemned as witches.Clinical hypnosis of today is quite different, the modern hypnotist could be a doctor, a psychologist, a professor at a university, or a nurse at the hospital. Adult hypnotic wishes include golf hypnosis to improve your game, there's weight loss through hypnosis, and many other examples of positive changes hypnosis. Hypnosis works!Not only is this a serious hypnosis therapy, it is also calming and quite pleasent, plus it offers an opportunity to transform yourself.Weight Loss HypnosisHypnosis is the treatment of choice for weight loss and other health and emotional problems, its noninvasive, there are no drug side-effects, and its not too expensive. Hospitals and HMOs are finally getting the message to try hypnosis first, not last.. You've no doubt heard about the Mind/Body connection in New Age healing - well, hypnosis illustrates this best.Does Hypnosis Work?Many clinical hypnosis stories are told of no pain in the dentist chair, how a fearful patient was calmed, and how tooth grinding was stopped. Hynosis smoking treatments and nail biting are two habits that have been completely eleminated by appealing to the subconscious through hypnosis. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis wants you to know that hypnosis can help you regulate your behavior, use the mind to control the body and alter your thoughts. Its very effective when dealing with phobias, stress and pain. Insomnia hypnosis is a growing field as well, many people can not sleep at night. Clinical hypnosis will not doubt find many new applications in the future.Past Life HypnosisPast life hypnosis is for hypnotists who believe in reincarnation and in past lives. They guide their clients backward in time. This type of hypnotherapy is called past-life regression (see also the section on alien abduction).

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